The Healthcare Training Academy presents:
Legal Aspects of Healthcare: Forensics, Documentation, Expert Witness, Legal Nurse Consulting
This presentation will explore many topics where nurses can enter into the legal world and still practice nursing.
This program includes an introduction to:
- Legal Nurse Consulting,
- Forensic Nursing,
- Expert Witness,
- Common Documentation Pitfalls,
- and more.

Audience: RNs, LPNs, NPs, nursing students, and more.
Continuing Education Credit: 3.5 hours awarded upon program completion.
*Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider #CEP17561) and Florida Board of Nursing (Provider #50-24286) for up to for 3.5 Contact Hours.
Lee Taylor-Vaughan, JD, MSN, RN, ACNP, CCRN-CSC-CMC, PCCN, CEN, TCRN, NREMT-P, LNC, CFRN began his healthcare career over 20 years ago in the ER & ICU. During this time he has completed programs for EMT, Paramedic, a BS and an MS in Nursing from Rutgers University, and a Doctorate in Law from Concord School of Law. Lee’s career focuses on Emergency and Critical Care, as an RN and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, along with many other sub-specialties. Since 1997 he has provided continuing education for nurses, physicians, and a variety of medical professionals. He has also co-authored the CEN® & the CCRN® Examination review books with Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio. Lee is an energetic lecturer holding national and international speaking engagements in healthcare, law, aviation, and information systems.
Required Disclaimers: The Healthcare Training Academy (D/B/A CardiacEd) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by The New Jersey State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Non-nursing professions should consult with their respective board to ensure nursing credit is acceptable for your credential renewal requirements. If you are not a nurse and you are taking this program for educational credit, please verify your board’s acceptance before registering for this event, as refunds will not be issued. If credit is not accepted, you are welcome to register. Access to this program is immediate from when your payment is processed and will end three days after your subscription period. We recommend registering online to create your username and password. As this is a specialty event, there are no refunds, transfers, or credits; therefore, please verify you can attend and that this program interests you before registering.
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